Gibraltar Pilots > Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions


'We', 'Us' , 'The Pilots', all refer to the Gibraltar Pilots.


Any data, content and particulars presented on the website, including but not limited to texts, photographs, illustrations, graphic material, logos and trademarks, as well as the software used are the property of the Gibraltar Pilots, except maps. All content is protected by copywrite, trademark and/or any other right of intellectual property.

The use of any trademark, text, photograph, illustration, graphic material and/or logo is strictly prohibited, unless we have given written permission in advance.

Using of the logo of the Gibraltar Pilots

Gibraltar Pilots logo

The Gibraltar Pilots have two logos, one of which is a digital version, consisting of the three section rock (The Rock of Gibraltar), the word mark (‘Gibraltar Pilots ’) and the grey distorted square. This combination of entities are always used with each other.

Using any logos is strictly prohibited, unless the written permission of the Gibraltar Pilots is obtained in advance. The version on this web page is for digital use only. Please contact the Pilots for permissions or website maintenance for a high resolution logo.

Privacy Policy

No personal data is collected on this website. No files containing information relating to your visit is written to your hard drive by the Gibraltar Pilot website. Data is collected by Google Analytics, to the limit of website traffic analysis and is used only for research purposes, by us and website maintenance.


This website (including, but not limited to; logo, graphics, textual information and other digital representations) was designed and created by, and is maintained by West England Media. Any questions, further support using the website or any web related query should be directed to the following;

West England Media UK

Tel: +44 (0) 1242 697737

E-Mail: info/at/


West England Media Gibraltar

Tel: +350 200 43755

E-Mail: info/at/



1st April 2023

Update to Pilotage Fee

With effect from 1st April 2023 there has been an update to the pilotage fees.